Welcome To The GTDRI History Site: Here's where you can find all the reference materials and stories of the event that was the GTDRI. This event will not be a publicly held event post 2020.
12/11/20: After much reflection I have decided to 'retire' from event promotions, hosting, and planning. This means an end has come to 'public' GTDRI's in the future. From this point on I will be doing solo adventures and there may be a report showing up here, there may not. (See anything that might show up after this entry which will be dated for reference)
In the future I plan on doing a retrospective series concerning the event's history for anyone that cares. Links will be provided here if and when that happens. Beyond that possibility, this site will remain here as a reference and a reminder of the good times. Thanks to one and all who helped out, participated, or came here to read and dream. Ride on!
10/7/21: The second "Return To The Roots" Guitar Ted Death Ride happened in late September this year. I wanted to do this in August but Gravel Worlds fell mid-August and threw that idea out the window. Anyway... A long envisioned circumnavigation of Black Hawk County was the route this time. The report on the 112 mile day can be seen in four parts- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.
8/3/20: Due to the pandemic a public GTDRI was not held. The first solo "Return to the Roots" GTDRI was a truncated effort I called "Country Views: A Ride To Indy"- Report HERE
7/28/19: Another one in the books. 14 intrepid souls made the ride. This one I am calling "Thunder Road", and if you were there, you'll understand. 11 finished this one. Report links- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
7/22/19: Course can be downloaded from this LINK NOTE: Cues are effed. GPS files are fine
7/30/18: The 13th Annual GTDRI was perhaps the best ever. Better than last year even! 25 riders total! Report #1 HERE Report #2 HERE
8/7/17: The 12th Guitar Ted Death Ride Invitational went off perfectly. The weather was PERFECT!! The best of any of the 12. If you missed this one, the "Tour Of Dirt Roads" version of the GTDRI was the best one yet. Seven riders started and six finished. Thanks to the six riders that joined me this year! Here are the reports- Part I - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
7/31/16: The 11th GTDRI was ridden by 8 folks and all but one, (ME!) finished. I had stomach issues and dropped out at mile 110, but the others finished out. No real issues this year, but we will likely all remember the nasty B Road on 270th for a long time!
7/26/15: The 10th GTDRI went off without a hitch, but that isn't to say it was easy! The ride report is in three parts. Read Part 1 here. Read Part 2 HERE. Read part 3 HERE. Thanks to the 10 riders that showed up to ride with me this year.
10/15/14:The 2014 GTDRI will forever be remembered for the crash at what became the end of the ride at Mile 95. We did have a nice group of seven including myself. Here are the reports from the ride entitled "It Could Have Been Worse" Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , and Part 5.
7/15/12:The GTDRI was a big success! 9 intrepid riders showed up from as far away as Kansas and Nebraska for this edition of the ride. It was hot, humid, we got rained on, and all in all had a great time. 6 finished the complete 120 mile course. A BIG THANK YOU to all you who made the ride awesome! Links to the story on this one- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 3.1 , Part 4
08/01/11: Another GTDRI In The Books! We got in right at 100 miles with temps in the upper 90's and brutal heat in the afternoon. Thanks to all in attendance. It was awesome to see all of you. Report #1 Here. Report #2 Here.